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View Full Version : Need a roomie...

08-13-2003, 09:58 AM
Here's the details posted...

The house is 3 older guys who are looking for a 4th person who cleans up after themselves. The house is off of Holleman and Glade. Less than 1 mi. from campus. Most of the roommates are in school, but older. One roommate is a graduate that works in town. Everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. Usually pretty quiet. Bedroom and living room paint and carpet are one year old. New paint and black and stainless appliances in kitchen. Ceramic tile is being installed in kitchen and bathrooms. New paint in bathrooms this fall. The open room is spacious (about 10' x 14') with cable, phone, and Internet ports in the room. There are two two living areas, one has a pool table. There's a large back porch. Extra storage in shed and attic. One house dog. Not interested in other dogs, but dog gets along well with cats. Other pets may be OK. Contact us for more details. Call 979.574.4237 or email agrunner@yahoo.com.

If you're not interested, please help us out by passing this to your friends. Have a nice day.