ok i lowered the price... i want $100... i know this is probably overpriced but my 3rd member was like $860 so i dont feel so bad... its whatever though gonna go on ebay as soon as i get some pics of it. i am also gonna put some inflatable beer can/bottles on there... they are a shiner boch bottle, a coors light bottle, a coors light can(that i think needs a patch), and a Milaukee's Best can. these blowups are pretty sweet they are about 3' each. i am trying to bring my grades up so i can finish college in the next 50 years and seeing beer around me doesnt help my alcoholic personality by the by i am infact drinking right now... join me in a toast "panties, aint the best thing in the world, but damn close to it" ok you can ignore me now... where was i going with this post... oh yeah buy my ****