This came off of a job I was working on. We used it to temporarily power a mobile office for about 2 months. I was planning on using this to make another welder extension cable, but I had some smaller stuff I used instead.

I'm not an electrician, so I don't know what else you could use this for, but in the right hands, I know this stuff is expensive. There's 50' of it going on eBay for $165 + $40 shipping, so I think $50 is a good price for this length.

I say 25'-45' because I didn't feel like unrolling it and measuring, but you can see in the pics there is quite a bit of it. If you want me to measure it for sure, I will. I also know copper prices are steep these days, so it may be worth more than this just at the scrap yard, I just don't know where to take it.