wow can't believe I just read all 15 pages. My highlights (Dertybr is the owner of the wrecked car...seems implausible in his first few posts but gets more believable later on)

Quote Originally Posted by Stone Cold TBSS
Im not trying to stir up anymore stuff but Dertybr, where you the one that bought his Black Camaro out from under a guy that had already made a deposit?

Again, im not saying its you im just asking. There was a fairly wealthy individual that bought out a Black 2SS/RS out from under a guy simply because he had money to do so. And it was from Graves. Im hoping thats not you, but if it is(And you admit it) than ill tell you where you can(And hopefully will) go.

Again...not saying it is you....just trying to get something straight.
Quote Originally Posted by Dertybr
I dont know about that. All I know is I was call & said there is a camaro here & a guy from Fla was on his way 2 see it 2. It was'nt anyones order but come on if you had the money & I called you & said you can buy 1 a month b4 anyone else...

Quote Originally Posted by snsdiver72
I am and have been a Deputy Sheriff here in Texas for 12 years and I can tell that by some of the comments that most do not know the first thing it is about or what it is to be a "cop". Most agencies only see maybe 3 to 10 percent of fines paid from tickets, the rest goes back to the city or county to pay for city or county employees. Do not say you know what it takes to be a cop because of a friend who is one or you talked to one once. Until you wear the boots or shoes of a cop you will never understand. And I second the fact that those who say they hate cops, probably are the ones that merely got caught in the act of something they should not have been doing in the first place. Someone also made the comment that they know how to drive, but once an accident happens they are usually the first to deny any wrong doing on their own part, same with speeders, when we stop them they claim no knowledge of their speeding. It is human nature to lie to cops.
Quote Originally Posted by PieNsky
You may be able to answer this, as you are a cop. Why are so many small town cops p ricks?