Bear with me, long post.

Ok folks, the time has come to start bender and welder shopping. Since there are only a few I'm aware of in both categories as viable options, this should be easy, right?

Before last night I was sold on the JD2. However, after looking at the Pro-Tools model 105 , I'm not so sure. While a bit more expensive than the JD2 model 3 , I really dig the degree/stop ring on the 105. Also, Pro-Tools offers one (the heavy duty) that is made of 5/8" instead of the JD2's 1/2". Is this necessary? For dies, JD2's 180* are priced from $195, $200, and $225 for 1.5", 1.75", and 2" respectfully, whereas the Pro-Tools model 105 are $200, $205, and $245 for the same dies.

Pro-Tools also offers 240* dies for all diameters, which allow for up to a 180* one-shot bend. (I'm not sure if that would be useful, but they offer them) Those are priced at $220, $235, and $295 for the aforementioned diameters and degrees.

Pricing is very comparable, save on the bender itself. The JD2 model 3 is going for $266.50 with their degree wheel, and the Pro-Tools model 105 is $410 for the standard and $460 for the HD version with their degree/stop ring. That's almost a $200 difference between the 105 HD and the model 3.

Here's the thing...I don't mind spending the extra $$$, provided that the 105 is worth it. Whichever I choose, I want to be happy with it. I HATE buying twice.

David, I know you have a model 3, why did you choose that one? What dies did you get, and in what radii? I'd love your input on this one.

NEXT, the welder!!!

I'm buying a MIG welder. I've apparently inherited a Miller Arc welder, (It's from a friend of my brother-in-law. It's been collecting dust in my B.I.L.'s garage for like 3 years, so it won't technically be mine, but it'll be in my shop and I can do whatever I want with it, other than sell it). So, I'm looking at the Hobart 175 pretty exclusively, unless I can get the "Good 'ole boy" hookup on a Miller or Lincoln around here.

As far as I can tell, I need a 220V. Pops keeps trying to sell me on 110, but I just don't think I'll be happy with that.

Also, I want an auto-darkening helment. Since it's my sight that I'm playing with here, I want something REALLY good. My question is, are the Hornell Speedglas helmets worth the $$$? Also, I figure a variable-shade helmet like the Speedglas 9000X would be good, what do you guys think?

Sooo...Any opinions, advice, input? I'm looking for useful stuff here, things that will aid the decision making process. Are there factors that I'm not considering? Anything else I'm missing? Please let me know.

Thanks, and sorry about the long post.