The heatercore is leaking in my crewcab again. I have replaced the ****ing thing 3 times already in the 2 years I have owned it and I am ****ing tired of it. I suspect the first two times the leak was due to the fact that the grommet that goes around the tubes that stick through the firewall was missing, but the third time around I put a bunch of plumber's putty around the tubes to support them so the hoses wouldnt be pulling down on them. The grommets dont seem to support any better than my putty fix, but I am seriously getting livid pissed at this stupid ****. I think its a crappy design, the tubes are just crimped into the core and they can move around a bit even when the cores are brand new. The crimped area is where they always leak from. Does anyone know if this is a common issue on this vintage of truck and any permanent ways of fixing it? This time around I'm gonna go ahead and get a new grommet but something tells me that alone wont fixthe problem for good.