-Rewire Control switches for fans, lights, OBA
-Replace headlight switch
-Replace entire cooling system (done)
-Remove "rebuilt" radiator that is apparently bad and install new radiator
-Wait for new radiator
-replace power steering pressure hose and return
-get shorter belts for new alternator pulley
-Disassemble front axle and repack wheel bearings
-change gear oil in front axle
-grease all ujoints
-change engine oil and filter
-install new stereo head unit
-install different windshield frame and windshield

- Weld deck plate that has broken loose
- Get tire with nail in it patched
- Repack bearings and inspect suspension
- Replace clearance lights on rear

- Reinstall transmission, exhaust, etc associated with pulling out the trans.
-waiting on trans to be finished being built
-waiting on torque converter to be built and shipped in
- change engine oil
- rotate tires

I'm sure there is some stuff I'm forgetting...